Training & Standards
Training for staff working with substances hazardous to health
Provide information, training and instruction for staff who work with substances hazardous to health. This includes cleaning and maintenance staff.
Staff need to understand the outcome of your risk assessment and what this means for them. Tell them:
- what the hazards and risks are;
- about any workplace exposure limit;
- the results of any monitoring of exposure;
- the general results of health surveillance;
- What to do if there is an accident (eg spillage) or emergency.
Staff should have access to safety data sheets.
Keep staff informed about planned future changes in processes or substances used.
When a contractor comes on site, they need to know what the risks are and how you are controlling them. And you need to know if they are bringing hazardous substances onto your premises, and how they will prevent harm to your staff.
Grooming & Hygiene of staff:
- All staff have to present themselves in a neat and tidy manner constant with the physical environment they work in.
- All staff should wearing uniform on duty.
- Shower daily.
- Brush your teeth regularly
- Keep hair free of lice, dandruff.
- Do not chew gum, tobacco
- Wash hands regularly
- Gargle after smoking and have a breath freshener.
Marking of attendance and duty:
- At the commencement of every shift, the Housekeeping Executive/ supervisor marks the attendance of all staff.
- Staffs are allocated different areas according to the duty roster.
- Duties and Attendance of all Housekeeping staff is marked at the commencement of each shift by Housekeeping Executives/supervisors at the control Desk.
- There should be only supervisor for a staff.
The success of a well-developed safety program depends upon the effectiveness of training efforts. Training requirements are described in various sections of the Regulation —Staff are trained in safe work practices and that they are properly supervised on an ongoing basis.
Safety Training Policy
It is our policy to ensure that Staff training is provided to enhance Staff safety and meet regulatory training requirements.
Safety training brings new ideas into the workplace or re-establishes desired methods for achieving safer work practices. It also allows managers to review the other elements of the safety program with staff and ensure that they are put into action on a daily basis.
Safe Work Practices
All staff must be trained in safe work practices.
- New Staff safety orientation
- General safety rules
- Safe work practices and risks for specific areas
- How to report workplace hazards and accidents
- Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS)
- First aid procedures and reporting
As new practices and procedures evolve, management is responsible for providing staff with further training to continually promote safety and awareness.
Health and Safety
Operations Manager provide safety orientation to new staff or existing staff who are moving to a new position or a new worksite. Safety orientation may include the following:
- Orientation and discussion of the company’s health and safety philosophy and Staff safety responsibilities
- Discussion and distribution of the health and safety Staff training material and issues included
- Discussion about safety policies as they relate to the Staff’s work setting
- Procedures to follow when working alone
- Explanation and issuance of materials related to WorkSafeBC
- Review of reporting procedures for work-related injuries and accidents
- Review of emergency procedures for reporting accidents and gaining medical treatment
- Documentation of training
- Communicate risks associated with injuries potentially arising out of violence in the workplace
- Communicate the risk factors associated with injuries potentially arising out of the physical demands of the job
- Review evacuation procedures in case of a fire or an emergency
Safety Training
Managers are responsible for ensuring that staffs who report to them understand the following:
- Staff will not undertake a job before receiving instructions on how to perform it properly or before being authorized to perform the job. If the Staff has any doubt, he or she should immediately contact a manager.
- Safety rules are a condition of employment and must be adhered to by each Staff. Rule infractions will result in disciplinary action.
- Mechanical safeguards (for example, the slicer guard) provided must be kept in place at all times. Only authorized personnel are to remove guards for maintenance, repairs and cleaning.
- Staff must report work-related injuries or illnesses, even slight ones, to a manager or supervisor at once. All major incidents are to be reviewed by the joint health and safety committee (if there is one).
- Unsafe working conditions encountered must be reported by the Staff to the manager. If unresolved, these unsafe conditions should then be reported to an owner-operator.
- Safety training will be provided to staff as part of their work activities and documented.
- Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS).
- Information and procedures related to potential risks of violence in the workplace, including the threat of robbery, working alone, and abusive guests.
- Evacuation procedures in case of emergency.
- The risk factors associated with strains and sprains related to the physical demands of the job. Controls to prevent strains and sprains have been developed and are practiced.
- All staff is obligated to meet the attendance expectations of the job.
- If a Staff does get injured, then the Staff, doctor, and management team need to work together towards a full and healthy return to work.
Avoid cross contamination and transfer of bacteria
Wash your hands frequently and wash them well. This means washing your hands medical style:
- before starting work
- before handling food
- after using the toilet
- after handling raw food and raw food packaging
- after touching bins or handling waste
- after every break
- after eating and drinking
- after cleaning
- after handling cash
- and after blowing your nose
Hand Wash
- Dry your hands after washing them with clean towels, preferably using disposable paper towels
- Minimise contact with raw food by using kitchen utensils instead of hands where possible
- Maintain personal cleanliness levels by showering regularly
- Change into clean clothes before starting work, do not wear these clothes outside of food preparation areas
- Keep fingernails short as they collect dirt and bacteria and could break into food
- Do not wear jewellery as this could fall into food or transmit unpleasant bodily fluids
Avoid use of toiletries
- Do not wear perfume or aftershave as the strong smell could taint the flavour of the food you are preparing
- The same counts for the use of hand creams that could be in contact with food or strong smelling body lotion
- No nail varnish should be worn as this could chip into food
Use approved kitchen wear
- Protective clothing should be worn at all times: hairnets, aprons and kitchen shoes
- Rubber gloves can be worn, for example they may be good to use when handling raw meat, but they should never be considered as an alternative to hand washing and should be disposed of regularly to avoid cross contamination. Rubber gloves can in fact also cause allergies for the food handlers so it is not always the most hygiene friendly option
- Kitchen shoes should be sanitised in a bath before stepping into the kitchen
Avoid spreading germs and bacteria
- Illness of any sort, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, dizziness should be taken seriously and requires 48 hours of time off work
- Wounds and skin conditions should be covered so that they cannot come into contact with food or kitchen utensils. This includes cuts, scrapes, boils, sores, eczema and other fungus based skin conditions.
- Avoid the transfer of bodily fluids, including perspiration and sneezing, by preventing them from spreading. Cough or sneeze into tissues, dispose of them and then wash your hands.

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